Flights from Minsk Airport MSQ to Ufa Airport UFA

Travelling from Minsk International 2 to Ufa is not a very popular route. There is however one airliner offer flights which is Red Wings. When travelling from Minsk International 2 you will cover about 1,118 miles before you reach Ufa. This journey will take 2 Hours 56 Minutes.

The cost of flights varies on the time and day you fly. If you are on a tight budget then you should avoid flying at peak hours as the prices are more expensive. The cheapest flights are in the evenings and in mid week. We recommend our viewers to pay and reserve the seats in advance. This ensures you get the best seats on the plane at the cheapest prices.

The time zone at Ufa is different from Minsk International 2, so please be aware of this when making travel arrangements.

Please see below the airlines that fly from Minsk International 2 (MSQ) to Ufa (UFA) and the amount of daily flights in operation.

Flights Chart
AirlinerMoTuWeThFrSaSuFirst FlightLast FlightFlights
Red Wings010000015:1515:15VIEW FLIGHTS

Most people choose to fly with Red Wings. They offer the largest number of flights so they have times which are most likely to suite you. The flights they offer will go by the flight numbers WZ4706 with times between 15:15 and 15:15.

If you would like more information on this flight the please visit the website for Red Wings at You will be able to find the latest availability, prices and make your booking online.

Flight times for the route are summarised in the table below. These time were correct at the time of writing, but please be aware that times may vary from time to time so please check their website for exact times and the dates you wish to fly.

Flights Time In WeekDays
DayFlight TimesFlights
AirlineFlight  No
Red WingsWZ4706

Over the past 10 years flight regulations have become very strict so we advise you to leave plenty of time to check in and get through customs.

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Flight Info FAQ - Minsk (MSQ) to Ufa (UFA)

Who flies from Minsk to Ufa?
The following airlines fly from Minsk (MSQ) to Ufa (UFA): Red Wings.
How far is the flight from Minsk to Ufa?
The flight from Minsk to Ufa is 1,800KM or 1,118 miles.
How long does the flight from Minsk to Ufa to take?
The flight from Minsk to Ufa takes 2 Hours 56 Minutes.

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